October 23rd, 2022On this edition of the weekly buff we prouldy present a beautiful Umbrella Corp.

On this edition of the weekly buff we prouldy present a beautiful Umbrella Corp. FJ Cruiser that is believe it or not from 2010 yes its over ten years old, and we made it look better than the day it rolled off the dealer floor. The owner brought it to us for a full paint correction, which was more than likely going to be a three step process, Full body Paint Protection Film, and Ceramic Coating to top it off on all surfaces of the vehicle for the most protection possible.
When we first got it in shop it looked pretty bad, so as always the first thing we did was begin to remove all the sticker decals that were on the vehicle which we would replace once the PPF was installed. Next we began to wash the vehicle with our GLOSS IT foam cannon along with our EVO Pro Shampoo to remove all waxes, and anything abrasive that may be on the paint finish from off roading, or every day driving. Once it was clean we rolled it inside to dry it off, and begin to asses the paint.
Josh and JR began to do some test panels with our EVO 800 Heavy cut polish along with a wool cutting pad to remove deeper imperfections in the paint. They decided this would be their first step and kept it going throughout the vehicle. Their second step was a microfiber pad along with our EVO 2000 Cut finishing polish which surprisingly was enough for most of the vehicle to look a thousand times better than it initially did. Some areas obviously needed the extra third step to remove marring from the previous steps. Once the crew finished up the paint correction process this project started to look amazing again.
Max was next up as the owner did request that we PPF not only the full nose, but also the fenders, and all the doors and side panels, as off roading was going to keep happening no questions asked we made sure to leave no possible seems visible. PPF is a film that is clear and will prevent any rock chips or deep scratches while driving or having fun off road this will also ensure that sun damage is limited to non existent on your paint finish over time.
The last and final step was for Josh, JR, and Marcus to Ceramic Coat the entire vehicle from top to bottom. for the entire finish we used our EVO PRO PPF & VINYL Ceramic Coating to add more clarity and gloss to the PPF film, and preventing yellowing of the film adhesive. We also applied our EVO Wheel & Caliper Coating that lasts up to a year and makes the wheels easier to clean each time preventing anything from sticking to the finish. Last but not least we also applied our EVO Plastic Renew and Protect to all the plastic trim around the vehicle that as seen in the video provides a deep dark black look that will not fade or whiten over time providing protection and amazing gloss to the trim.
When it was all said and done the FJ looked amazing and better than new. When the owner came to pick it up he couldn’t believe it. He was left in awe as it a giant mirror he could shave with if needed 😎 He was beyond happy and thats our main goal at GLOSS IT DETAIL AND DESIGN STUDIO to help our clients get their vehicles to a place that they smile at each and every time they look at it. If you have any suggestions for future videos or vehicles you want to see as a weekly buff drop a like, comment, and make sure to subscribe to our channel to keep up with everything GLOSSIT.